伺候过这么多公司后,他的文案成为了“老古董” 浏览: 古董文案David Abbott 大卫·阿伯特(David Abbott)曾给柯达写过文案,给奥美广告的前身美瑟暨克劳瑟广告(Mather & Crowther which became Ogilvy & Mather)写过文案,给恒美广告(Doyle Dane Bernbach which became Doyle Dane Bernbach Needham)写过文案,给已经挂掉了的FGD(French Gold Abbott)写过文案,还给后来成了AMV·BBDO的AMV(Abbott Mead Vickers which became Abbott Mead Vickers·BBDO )写过文案。 大卫在《The Copy Book》中戏谑地说,伺候过这么多公司后,他成了“老古董”。众所周知,大卫最声名远播的作品,是他为经济学人杂志创作的系列广告。
今天,我们打算带去见识见识他为《The Copy Book》自选的6幅得意之作——中的3幅。 01 大众汽车广告
If he can make it, so can Volkswagen No disrespect intended, Mr. Feldman.But no-one would ever mistake you for Gregory Peck.Yet you’ve made it right to the top.On talent.And that’s kind of reassuring when you make a car that looks like ours.The Volkswagen isn’t pretty, Mr. Feldman but it’s got talent.It has an air-cooled engine that can’t boil over inthe summer.Or freeze up in the winter.It’s the kind of engine that can go on and on and on.We know one person who went right on for 248,000 miles.And for a little car it’s got a great talent for fitting people in.There’s more headroom than you’d expect (over 37½ from seat to roof.)If you were 6’77’’ Mr. Feldman you still wouldn’t hitthe roof.And because there’s no engine in the front, there’s room to stretch your legs in the front.We’ve even got a space behind the back seat where you can sleep a baby.In a carrycot.So you see, Mr. Feldman, looks aren’t everything are they? 02 森宝利超市
Guess what Sainsbury’s new canned grapefruit tastelike? In this own little way our new canned grapefruits is something of a milestone.It’s vacuum-packed. (As faras we know, the first on sale in Britain.)The outcome is grapefruit that tastes uncannily like the fresh fruit.But taste isn’t the only advantage. With vacuum-packing, we’re able to put much more grapefruit into the can.On average, 25% more fruit than with traditional canning methods.You can buy our new “flavor seal” grapefruit, unsweetened in pure juice or in a syrup.Either way you get more flavor and more fruit.Good food costs less at Sainsbury’s P.S.阿伯特认为,提问是一个吸引注意力的好方法! 03 皇家·芝华士
Because I’ve known you all my life.Because a red Rudge bicycle once made me the happiest boy on the street.Because you let me play cricket on the lawn.Because you used to dance in the kitchen with a tea-towel round your waist.Because your cheque book was always busy on my behalf.Because our house was always full of books and laughter.Because of countless Saturday mornings you gave up towatch a small boy play rugby.Because you never expected too much of me or let me get away with too little.Because of all the nights you sat working at your desk while I lay sleeping in my bed.Because you never embarrassed me by talking about the birds and the bees.Because I know there’s a faded newspaper clipping in your wallet about my scholarship.Because you always made me polish the heels of my shoes as brightly as the toes.Because you’ve remembered my birthday 38 times out of 38.Because you still hug me when we meet.Because you still buy my mother flowers.Because you’ve more than your fair share of grey hairs and I know who helped put them there.Because you’re a marvelous grandfather.Because you made my wife feel one of the family.Because you wanted to go to McDonalds the last time I bought you lunch.Because you’ve always been there when I’ve needed you.Because you let me make my own mistakes and never once said “I told you so.”Because you still pretend you only need glasses for reading.Because I don’t say thank you as often as I should.Because it’s Father’s Day。Because if you don’t deserve Chivas Regal, who does? P.S.这则广告没有标题,因为作者自己都不知道该如何命题。如果有人想试试为它拟一个标题,就会更加理解这则广告的用情之处。 大卫·阿伯特(David Abbott),一个广告界的智者,写过很多优秀的广告文案。在广告圈闯荡一生之后,他对于如何写文案总结出了5条经验,与全球所有的广告人共勉。 1、把自己放在作品里。用你的生活去活化你的文案,只有感动自己才能感动别人。 2、用视觉的想像思考。要某人描述一座螺旋梯,他多半会手口并用。有时最好的文案就是没有文案。 3、如果你相信事实胜于雄辩,你最好学会写明细,叫他读起来不像明细。 4、坦白对灵魂有益,对文案亦然。 5、别让人烦。 |
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