紧急警告:预防护照诈骗 - 纽国新闻 - 报道纽国 传播世界 - 新西兰中华新闻网 新西兰中文新闻门户 浏览: 奥克兰南部曼格里(Mangere)选区议员Su’a William Sio提醒人们提高警惕,谨防在本国境内活动的护照诈骗犯,这些犯罪分子贩卖的假签证价格可至五百纽币甚至更高。 “
” ”
“ 议员
多纽币,以换取对方颁发的签证和永久居民签。与会者多数是来自奥克兰及其他地区的萨摩亚和汤加人。 ”
“Su’a William Sio
说。 “
” 曼格里的这位议员表示,他希望有听说过这类集会,或者有同这些诈骗犯进行过交易的人与他的选举办公室取得联系。 Su’a William Sio联系方式: 021 2430464(英文) Warning to beware of passport scam Mangere MP Su’a William Sio is warning people to beware of passport scammers in New Zealand charging people more than 0 for fake visas. “If anyone has paid money over to this rogue group, you have been fooled. It’s a complete and utter sham. Any visa or residency stamps in your passport from this group are worthless and have no legal status whatsoever. “The New Zealand Immigration Service is the only legitimate body in this country which can issue visas and permanent residency. Mr Sio received reports of a meeting held last night at a Manurewa marae at which hundreds of Pacific people, mainly Samoans and Tongans, from Auckland and other regions, say they paid over 0 to a group claiming to have the authority to issue visas and permanent residency. “In return, they received a fake visa or permanent residency stamp on their passport,” says Su’a William Sio. “
The Mangere MP says if anyone has heard of these meeting, or paid for the services of these scammers, he’d like them to contact his electorate office. Contact:
电话:0757-81028436 传真:0757-81028436
QQ:455680908 电子邮件:tangol@126.com
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