新的城市观感:来提前体验一下未来城市吧! 浏览:
Courtesy of Blank Space
Courtesy of Blank Space
“对于城市来说,最重要的是面向未来的基础设施和政策,而不是等待这些技术来重塑城市,我们可能不会像DOT的政策副总裁Michael Replogle和法官小组成员说的那样。 公共广场为城市提供了一个多功能的工具箱,以便为各种公共需求创造可以重新利用的空间。” “It's important for cities to future-proof their infrastructure and policies, rather than wait for these technologies to reshape the city in ways we may not desire said Michael Replogle, Deputy Commissioner for Policy at the DOT, and a member of the judges panel. Public Square offered a versatile tool kit for the city to reuse space for a variety of public needs.”
Courtesy of Blank Space
Courtesy of Blank Space
创造一些8×8平方英尺的广场,用综合基础设施、绿地、娱乐设备、零售商店和城市小品取代多余的公共停车位。认识到向自主交通的未来过渡是一个长期的过程,设计是渐进式的,并通过一系列小型干预措施进行变革。不同的广场组合创造了无数种公共空间和设施,最终形成了大量的行人友好空间模块化网络。随着城市的变化,“公共广场”仍适用于街道的改变。 Based on a number of interlocking 8’x 8’ squares, the proposal replaces redundant public parking spaces with integrated infrastructure, green spaces, play equipment, retail opportunities and urban furniture. Recognizing that the transition to an autonomous transportation future is a long-term process, the design is incremental and offers change through a series of small interventions. Different combinations of squares create endless varieties of public programs and amenities, ultimately forming large modular networks of pedestrian friendly spaces. "Public Square" allows the street to change, as the city changes.
Courtesy of Blank Space
Courtesy of Blank Space
“我们很荣幸能够获得这个奖项,我们希望这一认可将有助于我们实施公共广场的设计与测试,FXFOWLE的Jack Robbins表示。对于我们的团队来说,这是一个非常有益的合作过程,我们期待与城市和其他能够将自己的创意和专业知识结合在一起的有想法的人们进一步合作,拓展我们的视野。” “We are honored and thrilled to receive this award and we hope that this recognition will help us as we move forward with the design and testing of Public Square said Jack Robbins of FXFOWLE. It has been an extremely collaborative and rewarding process for our team and we look forward to further collaborations with the City and others who can bring their creativity and expertise to our vision.”
Courtesy of Blank Space
Courtesy of Blank Space
获奖项目从20多个国家的参赛作品中选出,四名决赛入围者将有机会将自己的愿景变为现实,并可以访问布鲁克林新实验室以及相关领域的合作伙伴。比赛的目的是选择可行的解决方案,以便于在纽约可以立即实施。 The winning project was selected from entries from over 20 countries, and the four finalists will have the opportunity to make their visions a reality, with access to fabrication facilities at Brooklyn’s New Lab and partners in related fields. The competition’s purpose was to select viable solutions that would actually be possible to begin implementing immediately in New York.
Courtesy of Blank Space
Courtesy of Blank Space
“四位决赛入围者为各种主题制定了非常独特的解决方案:为MTA创建解决“最后一英里”困境的自主微型设施,并可以在路边使用,为区域企业创建一个平台,将其商品出售,Blank Space联合创始人Matthew Hoffman和Francesca Giuliani说。 这四个团队的工作并没有结束,而是刚刚开始。与我们的合作伙伴一起,我们将支持四位决赛入围者,把他们的项目变成真正的设计和作品。” “The four finalists have crafted wildly unique solutions to a variety of topics: from creating autonomous micro-busses for the MTA that solve the ‘last-mile’ dilemma, and managing curbside use, to creating a platform for regional businesses to sell their goods in NYC without actually driving here, said Matthew Hoffman and Francesca Giuliani, Co-founders of Blank Space. This is not the end of the work for these four teams, but more of a beginning. Together with our partners, we will support the four finalists to turn their projects into real companies and products.”
Courtesy of Blank Space
Courtesy of Blank Space
Courtesy of Blank Space
Courtesy of Blank Space
Courtesy of Blank Space
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