PUSSIAN联邦 PUSSY RIOT乐队服装线全新出击 浏览: 原标题:PUSSIAN联邦 PUSSY RIOT乐队服装线全新出击 PUSSIAN联邦 PUSSY RIOT乐队服装线全新出击 Pussy Riot launches a new line THE PUSSIAN FEDERATION 那个曾经风靡一时的女子乐队回归啦,别激动,不是辣妹组合啦,而是大名鼎鼎的女权朋克乐队Pussy Riot,一同来袭的还有她们新推的服装线。 The greatest girl band,we all know and love are back,and no... we don’t mean the Spice Girls. The feminist punk rock band more commonly known as the Pussy Riots have returned,and this time with a new clothing line. 植根于莫斯科的Pussy Riot乐队成立于2011年,其作品旨在抨击限制女性自由的俄罗斯法律,揭露女权主义的本质。该乐队的5名成员因莫斯科救世主大教堂的“朋克祈祷”而“一炮走红”,她们用粗暴的语言攻击即将赢得总统大选的普京,并称普京为“独裁者”。 The Moscow based band first started off in 2011,to expose the lack of freedom in the Russian law for Women,and what this meant for feminism. The punk rock group rose to ‘fame’ when five of the band members performed inside Moscow’s cathedral directing their words and actions at the Orthodox Church leader’s support for Putin in his election campaign,who they often refer to as a “Dictator”. 抗议的代价便是服刑,于是又激化出新一轮的抗议之路——为女囚的权利发声。其中一名乐队成员描述了狱中所目睹及遭受的暴行,随后该文刊登在英美的各大小报上,至此得以让世人了解该女权乐队及她们为自由所做的努力。 Their acts of protest resulted in jail time,where the Pussy Riots were given a new reason to protest-Women’s rights in Prison. An article portraying the atrocities they had seen and made to experience,written by one band member was circulated in tabloidsacross the UK and America,and it is then that the world caught a glimpse of this feminist band and their fight for freedom. The ‘It’s Gonna Get Worse’ line launched in December 2017 inspired by the sarcastic saying of the company’s editor in chief Sergev Smirnov. ‘He repeats every day when we get more and more bad news’ told Tolokonnikova in an interview with Dazed Digital. The punk political movement has teamed up with Mediazona (their independent media company) to bring us brightly colored t-shirts,balaclavas,badges and socks - with a rebellious twist. The collection is inspired by the activism and resistance seen in Russia. 遥想当年,倒三角的红丝带设计是为了打破谈“艾”色变的现象,Katharine Hamnett设计的标语T恤是为了对峙撒切尔夫人,如今看到服装还能当“枪”使多少有点耳目一新。Pussy Riot团队不怕挑衅、敢于反抗的精神正使得该系列在当下如日中天。 Going back to the time an inverted pink triangle was designed in aid to combat the stigma around AIDs,or even to Katharine Hamnett’s slogan t-shirt confronting Margaret Thatcher,it is somewhat refreshing to see apparel still being used in the form of 'controversial' protest. The Pussy Riots are not afraid of provocation and revolt where this collection is coming in at the right moment in time. “2017年,我们看到一些抗议者在俄罗斯的街头游行,他们大多是年轻人,包括一些13、14、15岁的孩子。我们设计的T恤和面罩从很大程度上受了他们的影响,他们终究会在俄罗斯展开革命。(因为)俄罗斯也是他们的家,不是普京一个人的。”——《Dazed Digital》杂志 “In 2017,we witnessed a number of protests on the streets of Russia that consisted mostly of young people,including 13,14,15-year-old kids. “T-shirts and masks that we made are inspired by those people who’ll eventually and inevitably make their revolution in Russia. (Because) Russia belongs to them too,not to Putin exclusively.” Dazed interview 届时,所有盈利将用来维持独立媒体公司Mediazona的日常运营,帮助揭露俄罗斯法院、监狱以及司法系统内产生的腐败行为。此前,该机构完全依靠各界善款和自愿捐赠得以为继。正如他们网站上所说,这是一家独立的媒体公司,“‘Mediazona的运作主要依靠读者的小额捐款,但这远远不够。我们不想就此放弃,于是才有了现在的服装线。”也许有那么段日子,她们是政府最痛恨的人,那又怎样,她们用令人骄傲的作品证明自己毫不畏惧、永不退缩。如果这都不算命运之子为独立女性开辟的完美道路,我不知道还有什么算。 Proceeds from sales will be spent to fund Mediazona,and independent media outlet operating to help uncover the corruption in Russia’s courts,prisons and legal system. The organization relies solely on donations and voluntary contributions. As their website rather points out,its independent media company,‘Mediazona,started working off of minor donations from its readers,which isn’t enough. We didn’t want to settle with this,so we decided to drop a small clothing line’. These ladies may have days where they feel like they are the most hated people by their government,but it has not in the slightest deterred them from creating impressive artwork each time. If this isn’t the perfect cue for independent women by Destiny’s child,we don’t know what is. Pussy Riot不止一次表示女权主义运动在其他西方国家进行的如火如荼,而俄罗斯却将其视作损国不利民的威胁举动。目前,该乐队正在美国举办首秀,将她们的音乐带往芝加哥、波特兰、旧金山和洛杉矶。换句话说,她们正在让美国重新走向辉煌。 The Pussy Riots have often conveyed how feminism is a powerful movement in other Western countries yet in Russia it is seen as a threat that would destroy the country. The band is currently on their first ever USA tour,bringing their live music to venues in Chicago,Portland,San Francisco and Los Angeles. In other words,they are on their way to "making America great again." Check out and shop the full collection and information on Mediazona here: shop.zona.media/en/pussy-riot/ ---- The Marginalist 90's punk grunge look -- Shanghai shooting wearing RATPACK striped leather jacket,BALENCIAGA Thigh-high boots,WAL-MART 90's shorts,#NORMAL Black Choker - photographer: LoveDivago Writer 撰文:Abithaa Santhiramathavan 图片来源 Sources: Dazeddigital.com,Papermag.com,Feministing.com,Vogue,Instagram,MediaZona PREVIOUS ARTICLES THEMARGINALIST 微博 YANIEYANSON THEMARGINALIST |
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