Sillblock Housing Development In Innsbruck / Schenker Salvi Weber Architects 浏览:
Schenker Salvi Weber Architects分享了他们最近的作品,一个有着波浪立面造型的政府补贴性住房项目。
通常补贴住房要求用客观的方法给予社会持续性以特别关注。而且这种关注的重要度不低于规划和建筑质量方面的要求。在该住宅开发项目,建筑师Schenker Salvi Weber 完美的解决了每一个问题,打造出一个具有规律起伏外观的建筑群以及被建筑限定的庭院。
In general, subsidised housing requires anobjective approach with a special focus on social sustainability. These aspectsare equally important for efficient planning as well as for urban andarchitectural quality.
In completing the Sillblock housing developmentthe architects Schenker Salvi Weber have provided comprehensive proof of theircompetence in this area.
Hard shell – soft core: the main focus inthe design of Sillblock housing development is on the clear separation of thestreet space from the courtyard. On the street front the U-shaped block edgedevelopment is deliberately unobtrusively integrated in the surrounding urbanspace, on the inside it is separated into two tapering parts that define anattractive new courtyard around existing lime Trees.
The “two sides” of the residentialbuilding are also reflected in the materiality and formal idiom of the respectivefacades. All the apartments face onto the courtyard and are flanked by a“balcony arena” –depicted by an undulating exposed concrete parapet. Thespecial quality of this housing block lies in the diversity and flexibility ofthe floor plans.
在茵斯布鲁克从前的屠宰场一处,一个来自19世纪20年代的住宅大厦的边界布局被保留下来。天井面朝西北,本质上方向是个难题,但Schenker Salvi Weber 只用了一些干预措施,就设法改善了天井的方向。
On a site in the former abattoir districtof Innsbruck, the block edge layout of a former housing block from the 1920swas to be retained. With just a few interventions Schenker Salvi Weber havemanaged to give the essentially difficult orientation of the courtyard, whichfaces west and north, a new quality.
The – formerly – rigid, U-shaped buildingis tapered towards the nei***ouring buildings and is opened up at the centre.On the green courtyard side a concave building line is created that is brokenup even further on the façade by the wavy geometry. The redesigned square withthe four lime trees (protected natural monuments) creates a sense of identityand compensates for the shortage of communal spaces.
Analogous to the surroundings, and also asa contrast to the building’s wavy appearance on the courtyard side, on thestreet side the housing block is deliberately unobtrusive; the soft curves ofthe courtyard facades become visible only at the corners, where they are usedas a quotation.
For the most part, the circulation is inan intermediate layer along the street facade that visually presents themovement through the building outwards and repeatedly reveals views into thecourtyard. At the same time there is a view of the impressive Nordkette rangeof mountains from the apartments.
The implementation of the clear conceptmade the development plan possible, which was tailored to the site after thecompetition design.
辛克萨尔维韦伯不同于传统,不主张建筑高于人类的需要,而主张建筑来源于人类并且要满足人类的需求。Sillblock住房的设计清晰地反映出这种智慧的办法:建筑应该适应并服从于周边城市; 用户是其核心焦点。物质、形式和颜色都得到使用,这种情形下,可以创造出一种认同感,并且表达功能的要求也能得到充分满足。
The main focus in the design of theSillblock housing development is on the clear separation of the courtyard andthe street space. For Schenker Salvi Weber the quality of the living space andthe kind of life offered played the main role from the very start. The formalaspirations are reduced and the focus is on contentrelated conceptual values.
Schenker Salvi Weber do not form part oftradition that places architecture before needs, but rather develop theirarchitecture out of and as a response to human needs. The Sillblock housingdevelopment clearly reflects this intellectual approach: the building isadapted and subordinate to the surrounding city; the user is the focus. Materiality,form and colours are used where they can create a sense of identity or expressfunctional demands.
The volume develops from inside outwards.Consequently, the facade is not the first but the last element that illustratesthis process. The entire building is developed around the apartments in layersthat extend into urban space and, as a whole, becomes a volume with depth anddiverse spatial qualities. The final layer on the courtyard side is the“balcony area” a rhythmically undulating facade of precast concrete elementsthat seems soft and a little nostalgic. It offers residents a living,accessible outer skin with continuous balconies, and at the same time forms thebackdrop for an attractive square.
Sillblock housing development
122 subsidised apartments, of which 30 arefor people with special needs
Innsbrucker Immobilien GmbH
Innsbruck, AT
Start of construction
November 2014
Gross floor area
16.000 m2
Building costs
17,6 Millionen Euro
Energy efficiency
Passive house, 9kWh/m2
Baumann + Obholzer
Ziviltechniker-Gesellschaft mbH
Building services
Elektrotechnische Planungs GmbH
TB Hanel GmbH
Technisches Büro Hofer & Haidsengst
Building physics
Spektrum – Zentrum für Umwelttechnik und-management GmbH
Landscape planning
Barbara Bacher
GRUND & BODEN Geotechnik GmbH
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