山东岚山半山半岛山体公园 浏览: 项目旨在探讨原生乡土环境与参与方式之间的关系,场地位于一条寻常的山体冲沟内,有崖体、水塘,也有当地老乡的菜园和农田,乡土植被以野草和杂灌木为主。设计决定保留原有的地形地貌,保留水塘和农田以及菜园,并丰富植被,在谷底栽植大面积的沿海乡土灌木——柽柳,耐旱耐盐碱,不需要维护,以及当地的毛竹和茅草,在此基础上,介入路径和场地。设计两条路径,一条为附着在崖体上的石径,采用当地乡土石材砌筑而成,与原有田地的挡土墙一致,另一条路径则是高架红色栈桥,采用电脑雕刻和烤漆技术,与山谷的乡土气氛形成强烈的对比。每一片场地都有自己的面貌,或壮丽、或平常,或丰茂、或廖荒,但使场地增添新的活力也是目的之一,红桥和石墙以及乡土野草并存并产生对比是这个项目的解决方式。建成后,人们深入场地之中,既能感受原始的场地面貌的力量,同时也能被新介入的设计语言激起感官上的愉悦,差异化激发了人们参与到场地中的兴趣,并给人留下较为持久的印象。 Project aims to explore the relationship between native local environment and participate in the way. The site is located in a common mountain gully, there are cliff body, pond, local villagers gardens and farms.Native vegetation is given priority to with weeds and brush. Design decided to retain the original landform,and reserve pool and farmland and vegetable garden, and abundant vegetation.At the bottom, there plant a large area of coastal local shrub, tamarisk, drought and salinity, which don't need maintenance, as well as the local bamboo and thatch.On this basis, there design path and site. Design two paths, one is attached to the stone on the cliff body, by using local native stone masonry, consistent with the original field of retaining wall, the other path is elevated red pier,by using the computer engraving and paint technology.It shapes sharp contrastwith the local atmosphereof the valley. Every field has its own features, or magnificent, or normal, or green, or Liao Huang, but breathing new life into the site is one of the purposes. Stone walls and red bridge native weeds coexist and contrast is the solution of this project. Once completed, people can come into space, and feel the power of the original site look, at the same time, people also can be provoked a sensual pleasureby the languagethat new step in the design, differentiation has inspired people to participate in the field of interest, and to make a lasting impression. |
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