真空缩膜机|鞋厂真空缩模定型机说明书---大锋鞋机 浏览:
操 作 说 明 书 DF-1701型真空缩膜机 Manua Vacuum Film Shringking Machine 广东大丰制鞋机械有限公司 该型真空缩膜机是利用真空定型,采用密封式恒温加热,加热均匀,加热时间控制,蜂鸣报警,使PVC胶片与楦头吻合,可用于楦头划线及记号,制作半边版,核对样品楦头与量产楦头之差距,也可放入样品鞋内,确保鞋子清洁与不变形,从而提升生产品质,大大缩短鞋样设计所需时间,是鞋样设计的理想设备。 The vacuum film shrinking machine is to use vacuum stereotypes, using sealed thermostat heating,heating evenly,heating time control, beep alarm.PVC film and stretch to make the first match,can be used to stretch and crossed the first mark,making half of the edition,check the sample stretch head and head of the gap between mass production can also be placed in the sample shoes to ensure the shoes clean and not deformed.so as to enhance production quality. Greatly shorten the time required for shoe-like design and is ideal for shoe-like design. 一、 机器安装及操作:(machine installation and operation) 1、 打开机器发热上盖,接通220V电源 Open the machine heating cover,connected to 220v power supply 2、 打开电源开关,温控开关,真空泵开关 Open the power switch,temperature control swithes,vacuum switches. 3、 将温控器调至160度左右(可根据天气变化适当调整),将计时器调在30秒左右,夹好缩膜纸,置于加热器上加热。 The thermostat raised to 160 degrees (which can be adjusted according to changes in the weather),will be transferred in 30 seconds or So timer, a good shrink film clip of paper,placed on a heater heated. 4、 放好楦头(将楦头置于楦头垫上),待缩膜纸加热好电铃响,将缩膜纸夹具放回机上,锁紧锁扣,机器开始抽真空至定型。 Put away the first stretch(to stretch the first place-last head pads), To be a good electric heat shrink film of paper rings,paper clamp Back on the shrink film machine.locking lock,the machine started to vacuum forming. 二、 注意事项(Second,pay attention to) 请勿接触机器加热部位,以免烫伤。 DO not touch heating parts of the machine in order to avoid burns. |
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